Tumblr Cursor Maker

A range of cute, funny, awesome, amazing, and fun tumblr mouse cursors.If you can't find one you like you can request one at our Facebook page. Plug in your laptop charger, and make sure you have a stable internet connection, and that the laptop won't auto shutdown, sleep or screensaver. This program will run for a while and it's a faff to restart. Where the blinky cursor is, type tumblrbackup.py yourtumblrname. The first bit tells the Windows to run Python, the second bit tells Python to run the backup script, and the third bit - yourtumblrname - tells the backup script which tumblr to download.

afurodite said,

Thanks xx seeing these messages makes me happy :)

Anonymous said,

Alternatively, you can move your cursor over the little person-shaped icon, and see a dropdown menu including the option to block them, send an askbox message, or subscribe to their posts on the. After you have downloaded a cursor, go to your Start menu and click on Control Panel. Then find the Mouse control panel. Switch to the Pointer tab, select a role, click Browse.

'I loooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee your blog. Keep it up!!!!'

Thank you xx

Anonymous said,

Um thanks

Anonymous said,

omg i love you .

i will redo this whole blog over and delete all the cursors & start over.

Anonymous said,

aw, thank you. i will try, but as of now, my laptop is now working so i can’t . sorry

Anonymous said,

Tumblr Cursor Maker Free

Tumblr Cursor Maker Images

'Can you link me to where you got the snow on your blog?'

Aghh I honestly dont remember. sorry!

but if i find it, illl post it

Anonymous said,
':O Nooo, don't delete this blog! Even if you do stop making cursors, you have to keep it for other people to use your cursors!! And just cuz you have school, doesn't mean you won't have time to make more at some point, even if it takes like, 3 years! Please don't delete it!! :('

Thanks for the concern hun c: I’ll think about it .

Hello guys. I might delete this cursor blog later on, but if not delete, then I just won’t post new cursors and leave the ones I have posted from a while back. i’m really busy at school and don’t think i have time to make new cursors in time. i had really fun making cursors for you guys :) thank you so much . x

Requested by anon :)

<style> body, a, a:hover { cursor:url(http://i47.tinypic.com/2w68m04.png), auto }</style>

Hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me you care.

<style> body, a, a:hover { cursor:url(http://i46.tinypic.com/29f428i.png), auto }</style>

Tumblr Cursor Maker Game

Hey, nobody wants a lame looking Tumblr page, so this article will give you some Tumblr HTML codes to use to make your page look great. You can do things like add effects to the text on the page, change the font and add scrolls by adding a little HTML code. If you want to learn more about learning HTML, then you can take a very inexpensive online HTML class.

HTML Codes for Tumblr

Any of these codes can be inserted where you are allowed to put custom HTML codes in Tumblr. Just replace the words Your Text Message with your own words. Enter the code and you will be done!

HTML Codes to Dress up Your Tumblr Text

Make your text bold: <b>Your Text Message</b>

Italicize your text: <i>Your Text Message</i>

For the times you want your text to appear that it has a line through it, like you changed your mind about saying it use this code: <s>Your Text Message</s>

Underline your text to emphasize it: <u>Your Text Message</u>

Make your text blink off and on: <blink>Your Text Message</blink>

Subscript text, like you would use for a footnote: <sub>Your Text Message</sub>

Tumblr Cursor Maker

How to Format Text on Tumblr

The following are HTML codes to format your text on your Tumblr page to make it just how you want it.

To align your text to the left side of the page or table cell: <div align=left> Your Text Message</div>

To align your text to the right side of the page or table cell: <div align=right> Your Text Message</div>

Put your text in the middle of the page: <center>Your Text Message</center>

HTML Code to Change the Font on Tumblr

An example of how this would look when you are done is <ARIAL BOLD” size=”E.G.1″ color=”FFFFFF”>Mary had a little lamb.</font>

HTML Code to Make a Button on Tumblr

The url that is written there is where the button should take the person that clicks on it. So, you would put your own url in there. You can also change the value to be whatever word you would like to see on your button.

HTML Code to Make a Scroll Box on Tumblr

This code gives you a scroll box that will be 100px by 100px in size. You can change 100 and put in whatever size you would like the sides to be. Of course, enter your own text where it has Your Text Message and those will be the words that scroll in the box.

If you’d like a scroll across the page that is called a Marquee, here is the HTML Code for that: <marquee direction=”right” scrollamount=”1″>Your Text Message</marquee>

You can change the speed of the scroll by change that number 1 to a different number. You can have it scroll to the left by replacing the word right with the word left.

HTML Code to Make a Table on Tumblr

Here is a basic table for your Tumblr page. You can change the border to be any size you want by changing that number 1 to a different number. You can change it to zero if you don’t want a border. You can also put the url of a photo in the where it says Your Text Message.

You can add more cells by adding more of this line: <td>Your Text Message</td>

You can add more columns by adding more of this line before the code </table>:

HTML Code for a Link

If you would like to write a link to use on your Tumblr page, use this: <a href=”https://www.udemy.com”>Your Text Message</a>

Change this: https://www.udemy.com to the url that is where ever you want the person to go. And of course, the Your Text Message needs to be changed to the words that you want to be highlighted and clicked.

HTML Code for Inserting an Image to Tumblr

You need to enter the exact url that pulls up your image on the Internet. Enter that url instead of using: https://www.udemy.com/yourimage.jpg. And of course, change the Your Text Message to whatever title you want to have on that image when it displays on your Tumblr page. You will need to change the width and the height numbers to the exact size you want the image to be.

If you do not want to add an image title or don’t want to have to enter the size of the photo, use this HTML code instead:

Of course, you use the url of your actual image, not the sample shown.

How to Change the Size of the Font on Tumblr

Here is the HTML code you need to change the size of the font on your page:

You can change that 20 number to any size number that you want it to be.

Code for a Pop up Message on Tumblr

If you would like a message to pop up to welcome guests to your Tumblr page or to ask them to do something like join your mailing list, you can use this code:

Tumblr Cursor Maker App

Write whatever message you want the pop up to display where it says Your Text Message.

To use the code, put your text message in the code and then add it to the HTML customization section of your Tumblr page.

Mouse Sparkle Trails Code for Tumblr

Would you like a trail of sparkles to happen every time someone moves their mouse on your Tumblr page? Then go to the customization section and paste the following javascript code before the </head> tag on your Tumblr page. Be sure you find </head> and not <head>. They are two different things.

Tumblr Cursor Maker Free

You can change the color of the sparkles by entering a different color code where it has “var colour=”. #00baff is a teal green color. To choose your own special color, you can use this color code generator.

Dressing Up Your Tumblr

You can use just about any HTML code on Tumblr to make changes and get away from the standard choices that are available as themes. Or maybe you need just some quick HTML modifications to use your Tumblr account for business. By learning some HTML, you can make all the changes you want to make to have your Tumblr looking exactly the way you want it to look. By taking an intense class for HTML online, it is the easiest and least expensive way to learn new HTML tricks that you can use on Tumblr.