Desh Kaal Patra

The most perplexing question when you decide to wear an astrological gemstone is – What Weight you should wear? Gemstones are powerhouse of energies and astrology gives us a way to channelize this energy to work in our favor and bring good luck and fortune in our Lives. Astrology precisely determines which gemstone suits a particular person based on the planetary positions.

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After finding out which Gemstone to wear, the bigger question is what weight (or as commonly said ‘size’) of Gemstone should be worn for best benefit?
In our Scriptures, Some things are deliberately left un-answered as they are meant to be observed as per ‘Kaal, Desh & Patra’ (Time, Location, Individual). This question belongs to the same category, which is left un-answered in our scriptures.

Jan 02, 2017 Using the desh-kaal-patra sense I guess there may be one miscarriage to her mother as the affliction on the third house was severe. So I asked him are you total 4 siblings with you being the younger one? The native told me that they are 3 siblings with one of his younger one died in the childhood. The native is youngest with two elder brothers. What is required is a careful application of the native’s Desh (location) Kaal (timing), and Patra (individual) analogy. Armed with this information, an experienced, as well as an adaptive.

How your Astrologer suggested you a particular weight of gemstone?

Nowhere in our scriptures it is mentioned about how to determine which weight you should wear.Many Astrologers mix different trends and methodologies to suggest weight of Gemstone to their clients. For Example, your Astrologer may use Numerology to suggest you a weight or your astrologer might suggest you gemstone weight as per body weight.
The Frequently observed trend is also to wear One Ratti for every 12 Kilogram of body weight. Example, at least 5 ratti for 60 Kg person (60 KG/12= 5 Ratti).
But there is a flaw in this rule because only weight is not important. There are other factors too. A better quality stone will give better results. And this rule ignores the weight, age, quality and only takes ‘weight’ into account.
Numerology on the other hand is a western astrology system. Numerology and Vedic astrology are based on different principles, different theories and beliefs. Both the methodologies have different significance. Mixing Numerology and Astrology might be harmless practice but it is always advisable to follow methodology at a time.
Is it ever suggested to mix Ayurveda and Homeopath? NO.

Desh Kaal Patra

Then what size to wear?

When wearing a gemstone, The Power of Gem is most important factor. Only a Powerful Gemstone will give you the best results. The Power of gem depends on its quality- Transparency, Color, Clarity, Luster and Symmetry. (Refer to our previous articles to read in details).
The Size of Stone should be such that it is possible to make a skin-touching Ring (or pendant), which is not possible if the stone is too small. At the Same time, it should be comfortable to wear, that means it should not be very big too. The Optimum size, is hence, determined by ‘YOU’ and this liberty is given to you by the ancient scriptures on which Vedic astrology is based. You need an astrologer to suggest the correct gemstone. After that you should decide the size (weight) of gemstone by yourself.

Desh Kaal Patra Ek

Recall the very common dilemma about ‘How much Prasad should be offered to the God’?

Because this case of offering Prasad is also governed by the factors of ‘Kaal, Desh and Patra’. For Example, in earlier times, Sawa (.25) was considered auspicious figure, so the Prasad was offered in the denomination of Rs 1.25, Rs2.25 etc. but in current time, we understand that these denomination has no value. Hence, Prasad is offered as per current denomination (Kaal), Of particular Country (Desh), as per the capacity of the individual (Patra). Similar rules apply the proble –‘what weight of gemstone to be worn’.

Helping you in Decision-Making:

The most popular sizes of different astrological gemstones that are worn by the people are given as follows:

  • Ruby (Manik) : 5 Ratti – 8.50 Ratti
  • Pearl : 6 Ratti – 10 Ratti
  • Coral (Moonga) : 7.00 Ratti – 9 Ratti
  • Emerald (Panna) : 4:50 Ratti – 6:50 Ratti
  • Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) : 5 Ratti – 7.50 Ratti
  • Opal : 6 Ratti – 9 Ratti
  • White Sapphire : 5.00 Ratti – 9.00 Ratti
  • Blue Sapphire (Neelam) : 5 Ratti – 7:50 Ratti

Wearing any more weight would not be extra beneficial. There are different reasons- why these weight ranges are more preferred. Like Emerald of this size range is preferred because Emerald is worn in the little finger and Emerald is a light stone. Wearing an emerald of size bigger than 6.50 Ratti is uncomfortable and it may look over sized too. In current times, Big sized gemstones are misfit for corporate life and hence it is preferable to wear small sized gemstones but of good quality. An Expert gemologist can help you in understanding the gemstone in a better way and can help you to choose the right gemstone. We, at Shubh Gems, provide detailed assistance to you by expert gemologists and astrologers, who help you to make the best choice on the bas of Scientific as well as Astrological facts.

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