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Aqw Private Server

Why is Aqworlds so laggy? February 17, 2011, cyndi, Leave a comment. Why is Aqworlds so laggy? Lag is a term for choppy game play and can be cause by many different reasons. Bad internet connection, bad servers, bad graphics card and other running programs in the background are some causes of lag in any video game. Connecting to game server Is it me or has the game server been disconnecting more frequently? I'm sure it's not my internet since everything else loads pretty quickly, even other games except AQW, it just stucks at connecting to game server and whenever I'm in the game, when I use a skill the button just goes black and nothing happen. My game's stuck on 'connecting to game server', What to do? More posts from the AQW community. Posted by 4 days ago. Thanks for the free ACs. Adventure Quest Worlds /. Bang grimoire gw stuck di 'connecting to game server' gmna tuh? Danny 12:52 PM, Februari 27, 2020.

Aqw Private Server List

  1. 'When will X be released? When will X go rare?'
    • Releases and rare items are announced in advance in the AQWorlds Design Notes and the Event Calendar. On the wiki, we have the last two weeks of releases at the New Releases page.
  2. What is the drop rate of X? Does it still drop?
    • Unless the staff specifically announce the drop rate of an item, we don't know it. If an item isn't dropping, check the wiki to make sure that the item isn't rare and that you're fighting the right monsters.
    • Skills and the luck stat don't affect the drop rate (despite what the skill says when you hover your cursor over it). There's nothing you can do to change an item's drop rate.
  3. Can I wear my Legend items after my upgrade expires? What will happen to them?
    • No. All Legend items will be unequipped. If you are using a Legend weapon, it will be swapped with the Default Sword. If you are using a Legend class, it will be swapped with No Class. Your items won't be deleted — they will stay in your inventory, but you can't use them until you're a Legend again.
  4. What will happen to my Legend house/house items when I expire?
    • If you have a Legend house, the house will be removed and replaced by Cottage, which unequips all house items. As with normal equipment, you will still have all your houses/house items, but you will be unable to use the Legend ones unless you re-upgrade.
    • However, if you have a non-legend/AC house equipped when you expire, the house and all house items will stay equipped, even the Legend ones.
  5. What does 'Rare' mean?
    • In Artix Entertainment games, a 'rare' item is something you can't obtain anymore. But don't worry! If you missed the item the first time around and you still really want it, you can still get it through an Item of Digital Awesomeness.
    • Seasonal items, on the other hand, do return. They are released during one of our in-game holiday celebrations, but after the celebration is over, you will have to wait until next year's holiday celebration to get the item again.
  6. What is the best weapon in the game?
    • There is no best weapon — the only major difference is the way they look. Some weapons are different from normal weapons and have 'unstable' ranges, such as some of Nulgath's weapons. However this does not mean they are better. Some classes are suited for a stable range while others are suited for an unstable one. It comes down to the preference of each individual player and the enhancements used.
  7. Why are most pets Legend/AC? Can I get a free player pet?
    • Pets are meant to be for paying players. However, there are some free player pets. Here's a list.
  8. When are the skills unlocked? What is the 6th blank attack for?
    • Skills are unlocked at ranks 2, 3, and 5, and most classes have passive skills at ranks 4 and 10 — check the Classes pages for more information. The 6th skill is used for Potions and Scrolls. It is important to note that when you sell a class, you lose the rank you have with it. Storing a class in your bank does not affect the rank that you currently have.
  9. How much Exp/Rep do I need to level/rank up?
    • All information about ranking/leveling can be found on the Exp/Class Points/Rep page.
  10. Why are some of the quests in red and why can't I accept them?
    • If a quest is in red, it means you have not unlocked it yet. If you click on the quest, it should say in red at the top why you can't accept it. Some require you to unlock or complete other quests or reach a certain point in the storyline and some quests have a level or reputation level requirement. They might be Legend or require you to have an item in order to accept it. Daily and monthly quests, like the Free Member Magic Keys quest, can only be done once per day/month.
  11. What enhancements work best with X class?
    • Here are some quick tips:
    • If the class description recommends Healer, Spellbreaker, or Wizard, use Wizard enhancements
    • If the class description recommends Fighter, Thief, or Luck, use Luck enhancements (except for Frostval Barbarian and DoomKnight, which should use Fighter)
    • Certain classes can reach the dodge threshold for maximum avoidance if using Thief such as Chrono Assassin, Horc Evader, and Leprechaun
  12. Does changing my alignment affect my items and reputation?
    • No. However, you won't be able to access alignment-locked shops and item.
  13. I need to find someone that has X so I can do/finish a quest! Can someone meet me in-game?
    • You can look around popular places such as Yulgar's Inn or Battleon to see if people have the pet you're looking for. Often, there will also be people with the pet equipped at farming spots for the items required for the quests.
  14. How do I beat the /Dance Dance game? It's so hard!
    • There is no easy way to beat it. Just keep trying and eventually you will beat it. If you feel the game is lagging, turn the graphics down to low and play on 'Tiny' screen size. If you think that you still aren't be able to beat the mini-game, try searching on sites like Youtube to see how others beat the mini-game.